Using Geo-Mapping for Improved KYC

You’ve probably heard of some well-known apps that use geolocation features. Many social media apps use geolocation for different purposes, similar to how mapping apps like Google Maps and Waze use it. Customers use the famous phone app Foursquare to identify nearby locations of services they need, share their current position with friends, and discover new places to visit. Some more well-known social media platforms that use geolocation are Tinder, Facebook, and Yelp.

More about Geolocation

The process of determining the precise geographical position of an item, typically an electronic device like a computer or phone, is known as geolocation. Similar to a positioning system, geolocation services gather information beyond the exact location. Country, time zone, postal code, area code, address, proxy, and network details are just some of the geographical and technical details that geolocation services can provide.

To get this information, geolocation gathers a lot of different kinds of data. Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, wireless identifiers (Wi-Fi) addresses, GPS coordinates, and GSM/CDMA cell numbers are all examples of data sources. How many and what kinds of location sources are accessible to the electronic gadget determine how precise its location can be.

One reason mapping and direction apps like Google Maps function so effectively on mobile phones is because most modern cell phones come with a GPS device. In most cases, geolocation on these smartphones is accurate and simple. A computer’s lack of a GPS receiver and related location tracking software makes geolocation a more involved process.

Internet Protocol addresses are increasingly important for computer geolocation.

People can use proxies to hide their real location, which is a major issue. Using these proxies is simple and won’t break the bank. More sophisticated geolocation services are required to manage proxy issues.

Leveraging Geo-Mapping for Improved KYC

Data visualization using a map, or geo-mapping, has proven an effective tool in many fields. The way organizations identify and authenticate clients is being revolutionized by it in the Know Your Customer (KYC) processes. Join me as we investigate ways to include geo-mapping into your Know Your Customer procedure and best KYC software.

Getting a Grip on the Fundamentals

You must understand the fundamentals before moving on to integration.

1-Data on Geographical Location

Included in this is data such as the device’s location, IP address, and GPS coordinates. A customer’s identity and background can be confirmed through the standard technique known as the KYC Process.

2-Points of Integration

Look for ways to include geo-mapping data into your KYC process without causing any disruptions.

Using Geo-Mapping to Enhance Your Know Your Customer Procedures

Here’s how:

1. Collecting Data: Note Crucial Details

Collect geolocation data at critical junctures, as when registering, viewing private data, or making transactions with a high degree of risk. Gather information regarding the device and network that was utilized for the transaction.

2-Proof Checking

Compare the acquired geolocation data with other supplied details, such as the address and city, to ensure accuracy. Make sure that the data is consistent and free of any oddities or inconsistencies.

3-Evaluating Potential Dangers

Create a risk score model that takes into account variables such as the device’s location matching the given address, the consistency of the IP address, and unusual patterns of device movement.

4-Confirmation in Real-Time

Below are the steps in making a real time confirmation:

Quick Verifications

Make sure that suspicious or high-risk transactions are being monitored in real-time. Comparing the present location to the registered address or the anticipated location is what “Location Comparison” is all about.

Additional Verifications

If there are differences, Additional Verification will kick in to check for them further.

5-The Identification of Fraud

Using geo-mapping, you can spot patterns of fraud like account takeovers or identity theft. This is called pattern recognition.

Geographic Clustering

Keep an eye out for groups of questionable actions in certain areas.


You may increase fraud prevention, customer experience, and compliance efforts by including geo-mapping into your KYC process. You can build a strong KYC system that protects your company by making good use of geolocation data and resolving possible issues. Finding a happy medium between safety and ease of use for customers is essential. You can use geo-mapping to create a more safe and efficient KYC procedure if you follow these steps and think about the obstacles.

How Buying TikTok Views Can Promote Your Geo Mapping Software

A man in a marketing office stands by a desk, holding a smartphone and looking at it with focused intent.

In the competitive realm of digital marketing, competitiveness is essential, especially for unique software solutions such as geo mapping software.

One inventive approach to increase visibility and engagement includes purchasing TikTok views (visit to learn more).

Here’s a look at how leveraging this technique can effectively market your geo mapping software.

Get Seen Immediately

Purchasing TikTok views could quickly boost your content’s visibility. Videos showcasing geo-mapping software that have many viewers are more likely to be featured in users’ For You Pages (FYP).

The additional exposure helps attract attention from potential customers looking for geo-mapping tools for business or personal use.

Create Social Proof

The higher the number of views on your videos, the more people might think that they’re popular and reputable.

If you have thousands of views on your TikTok videos, many people will trust your geo mapping software since there is a perceived popularity element in it.

Social proof can greatly influence buying decisions and make prospective buyers favor your software more than others.

Boost Engagement Rates

When videos receive large numbers of views, they often generate greater levels of engagement including likes, comments and shares.

By purchasing these views you could initiate this interaction process by making such purchases. This initial boost can lead to organic interactions and discussions about your geo mapping software resulting in the creation of a community where there are interested users who may become potential customers.

Increase Targeted Traffic

TikTok’s algorithm uses metrics like engagement to recommend content to its users. You stand a better chance of reaching a targeted group focused on geospatial toolkits by raising view counts on this platform compared with any other social media site out there.

Meaning that professionals, companies or just tech enthusiasts likely to benefit from your product can easily access it.

Cultivate Virality Potential

This may be attributed to an increased number of their videos going viral as evidenced by the high view count they have garnered over time.

The moment the video starts trending, it goes viral across TikTok reaching a wider audience. In other words, such large number of views might be instrumental in ensuring that geo mapping software gets noticed by users who would have otherwise not seen it.


ALSO READ: The Connection of Geo Mapping System to Business


Drive Leads and Conversions

Your videos will attract more viewers and get you more customers to your website or landing pages once they go viral.

More people now know about your geospatial software, its features and might consider buying it-more leads generating high conversion rates.

Improve Your Marketing Strategy

Analyzing the performance of your TikTok videos can give insights into what type of content resonates with your followers.

By evaluating metrics like view counts and engagement rates, you are able to tweak your marketing strategies to better suit your target market as well as promote the growth of your geospatial software.

Create Brand Awareness

Creating consistent and quality content and coupled with huge view count will lead to a strong brand recognition process.

As more users watch them, they become acquainted with both the geo mapping software and your brand leading to increased awareness as well as trust over time.

Harmonize Partnerships

Having a commanding presence on TikTok can draw possible associates who are keen on engaging in business transactions concerning this geo mapping program for instance.

For example, companies or influencers from similar industries may contact one another for partnerships i.e., cross promotions or sponsorships which could extend their reach while validating their credibility too.

Staying Ahead of Competition

Being ahead of competitors is very important in a niche market. To outperform the competition that does not use this method, you will need to buy TikTok views and have a strong online presence, giving your geo mapping software an edge.


The purchase of TikTok views on purpose can make a big difference to your geo mapping software’s marketing by driving visibility, engagement and ultimately business growth as such.